
Sunday, 16 September 2012

Feeling good

After my success last week I knew this next week was going to be more difficult. I awoke to a sunny morning and I had a sudden urge to get outside. So I put on my running clothes, downloaded an app to my phone and chose the appropriate workout. I chose interval training as it was my first time out in almost two years. My shoulder injury had prevented me doing a lot of things but with all the physiotherapy and acupuncture I had received after the operation I didn't want to undo all the hard work I had put in. Time to use my head and be sensible. The interval training consisted of warm up stretches, a 3 minute warm up walk, followed by 5 lots of 2 minute jogging, 2 minute walking and finishing with a 3 minute warm down walk and warm down stretches. I managed to cover 2 miles which I figured wasn't that bad for my first attempt, considering my injury and not running for two years. I was rather pleased with myself!

After my run a made myself a smoothie with strawberries, banana, soy yoghurt and a little water to help blend.

It went down a treat! 

It was such a lovely day I decided that I needed to stay outside and as my garden needed some attention this was a perfect solution.

My herb garden needed weeding badly, my mange tout needed pulling up and I needed to harvest more courgettes, runner beans and lettuce.

Its truly amazing how quick time passes when you're working in the garden, before I knew it lunch time had crept up on me, and I was ravenous!

I wonder how many calories are burnt up gardening?

Here are a few garden shots:

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