
Friday, 30 August 2013

Ideas for Vegan Mofo 2013

OK, so I've registered for vegan mofo this year (arghhh what have I done?) and because I have a glut of beans from my garden I registered that my blogging theme was beans! What was I thinking? 

The category I selected was comfort food but most of my recipes will be healthy or have a healthy element. Because I was registering on the final day of registration I made a snap decision and if I'm honest I didn't read the rest of the post. 

Post registration I read more and thanks to Vegan in Brighton blogging about this years event on the Vegan Mofo website I have since found out that the official Vegan Mofo 2013 Daily Themes are . . . . . . 

Mac-and-Cheese Monday – Self explanatory, I suppose

TV Tuesday – Eat and Watch, cook a meal featured in your favourite movie or TV show.

Work With it Wednesday – Focusing on a food you don’t love and learning to love, or at least tolerate, it.

Thankful Thursday – Focusing on the positive and giving to others. 

Freaky Friday* – Trade with a fellow blogger for the day.

Retro Saturday – Dress up and veganise your favourite retro dishes.

Sleepy Sundays – Your favourite breakfast, brunch and lazin’ in bed snacks. 

For more information got to the official Vegan Mofo website

So the question is how on earth do I meet the above daily themes with beans! 
Thankfully you don't have to use the above ideas but I'm going to give it my best shot, after all the above themes are 'official'. 

* I'm not 100% sure what the Freaky Friday theme is but the theme on my blog will be Fry-Day, where all things fried happen in the kitchen, whether that is stir fried, deep fried or just simply fried. See, comfort food! 

Right then, I best go, sit down and plan what I'm going to cook and when, wish me luck . . . .
Many thanks to Amanda Chronister for doing the Vegan Mofo banners, they're awesome.


  1. I've signed up too with an a-z gluten free vegan theme! It's my first year and hopefully won't be too stressful!

    1. A-Z gluten free, I'll be coming over and taking a look at that for sure. Good luck and enjoy. Jasmine x


Thanks for leaving a comment, Jasmine x