Unfortunately that meant that I never got round to blogging about my June Vegan Swap box from Heather in Manchester, which is a dire shame as it was fabulous. It really was like having a birthday present as Heather had included balloons. These came in handy for Marco's first birthday party! Yes I know a birthday party for a dog - so what?
In Heather's swap box were loads of yummy goodies and included:
- Dried chillis from the Cool Chilli Company
- Walkers Sweet Chilli Peanuts
- The Delicatessen Sweet Chilli Jelly from Tesco
- Hoisin Stirfry Sauce from the Co-op
- Unicorn Gravy Mix
- Unicorn Sesame Sticks
- Unicorn Garlic Sticks
- Nakd Cherry Raisins
- Nakd Strawberry Crunch
- Nakd Cocoa Orange
- Happy Kitchen Pecan Brownie
- Pukka Tea Bag - Peppermint and Liquorice
- Pukka Tea Bag - Relax
- Oralet Tea Bag - Traditional
- Oralet Tea Bag - Earl Grey
- Kiwi spoon
The Walkers Sweet Chilli Peanuts were the first to be devoured, and that was just after I'd taken the photographs. I'm ashamed to say it but later that night I started the sesame sticks too. I did hold off eating them all in one go though although they didn't last the week! The garlic sticks were also yummy and these were devoured on a camping trip in Dorset whilst playing cards - Cribbage.
I used the sweet chilli jam in a stir fry believe it or not, hubby actually said it was the best stir fry I had cooked him, he's not a great lover of stir fry's full stop! It's just a shame that I didn't write down what I did or what I used! It was a make up as you go along tea which a lot of my cooking is. Sometimes they turn out well and other times the bin (or compost heap) gets the food! On this occasion we were both so hungry that I didn't even have pen and paper at the ready let alone write down what I was doing! Oh well, it's a recipe that I shall have to try and recreate one day and post here.
I've yet to try the gravy browning, pecan brownie and the peppermint and liquorice tea, but give me time and they will all be tried.
You can read about what I sent my swap box partner, Miss Chaela-Boo on her blog, she has given me an awesome write up. Thanks Miss Chaela-Boo!