As my regular readers already know I’m passionate about food, growing and eating it! I had been a vegetarian for 27 years and at the very start of 2013 I
transferred to a vegan lifestyle. I now feel healthier and I
have more energy, so my first veganniversary was definitely one to celebrate.
One of my passions is to open my own vegan bistro to show people how
tasty vegan food really is. So many times I hear people saying “eww, vegan – no
thanks” they really don’t know what they are missing out on. Not only is vegan
food tasty it is far healthier for you too. Until such time I can open my very
own vegan bistro I decided to showcase my recipes on my blog.
My food
knowledge has grown enormously since transferring to a vegan lifestyle, and I
regularly use ingredients that I never knew existed, like nutritional yeast,
miso and weird looking or sounding fruit and vegetables. The world really is
your vegan friendly oyster, full of exotic foods just waiting for you to try.
passion I have is to become self-sufficient, hence the name of my blog, but
becoming totally self-sufficient isn’t easy to do and from what I can gather it
requires money and lots of it. However, one thing I can do is grow my own fruit
and vegetables and trade with family and friends who have bigger gardens or
allotments. Any fruit or vegetable is greatly received and in honour of such wonderful food I create recipes with love and thanks.
And so to it, the grand opening of Self Sufficient Cafe, well in the virtual world anyway. At the start of every month I will post the menu for the month ahead and share with you 1 recipe from the menu each week. As the menu suggests I will also share with you other weekly specials.
So without further ado - here is the menu for February.