I have tried various vegan 'cheeses' over the last year and although I use them sometimes to top pizza I can honestly say that I haven't found one that I can say that I love. The best I have found for my personal taste is the smoked cheese from Tesco, which I use to top a pizza or some nachos. I only use it cooked, in its 'raw' state I'm not a fan.
When visiting the Wolverhampton Vegan Fair, I was introduced to another cheese, Vegourmet Jeezini Cheese Slices, which were the closest to what I remember dairy cheese to taste like. I have used them in sandwiches and they even melt fairly well too. After sourcing them on the internet, and buying 3 packets, yes 3! I feel that I have eaten far too much of them over the Christmas period.
After looking at the ingredients list of the vegan cheeses I had in my fridge I have decided that, in my opinion, it is probably better that I only eat them in moderation and therefore revert back to my first cheese replacement, houmous! I bet I could make a 'cheesey' houmous by adding nutritional yeast. Over the past year I have also made various cheese sauces with different vegetables and white miso, nutritional yeast, nuts and beans and I shall be experimenting more with this healthier option.
Something remarkable has happened to me since I went vegan and removing dairy from my diet. I haven't had a headache! Not one, even after I have drank a few glasses of wine. Now before you go shouting from the roof tops, I'm not saying its a hangover cure as I still have all the other symptoms, so moderation is the key here! I used to suffer with headaches quite a lot, tension headaches, sinus headaches and the occasional migraine, but for a whole year, not one headache. Isn't that remarkable?
To celebrate my 1st veganniversary here are my top 5 recipes which have received the most visitors.
1) Coldsore Busting Smoothie 2
And here are my top 5 recipes from the last year, ones you really must try! They're in no particular order, I love all of them!
Happy New Year to you all, I hope that 2014 brings you and your loved ones, health, happiness and good cheer!
Jasmine x